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40 Geo. III, c. 43,
An Act for better regulating the Collection of his Majesty's Revenue and for preventing of Frauds therein and for repealing an Act made in the thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty intitled An Act for continuing and amending several Laws relating to his Majesty's Revenue and for the more effectually preventing the Frauds therein and the several Acts and Statutes which are mentioned to be continued by this Act.
Revenue - frauds and punishments, attempt to tighten-up on previous acts; Excise men's right of entry - penalty for destroying foods £50; assault or rescuing, first offence £100, second transportation for seven years; known smugglers proclaimed, assisting them - transportation; shooting at naval or Revenue officers a felony; felons discovering two accomplices pardoned; in force until 24 June 1801 [rv]

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