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40 Geo. III, c. 47,
An Act for amending and rendering more effectual two several Acts one passed in the Twenty-sixth Year of his present Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for promoting the Trade of Dublin by rendering its Port and Harbour more commodious and the other Act passed in the Thirty second Year of his Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for repairing and preserving the Walls of the River Anna Liffey in the City of Dublin and for amending an Act passed in the Twenty-sixth Year of his Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for promoting the Trade of Dublin by rendering its Port and Harbour more commodious.
Dublin, port improvements - pilots and their dues 5s 5d per day, drunken pilots disqualified, drunken captains of passenger boats disqualified; if two-thirds of inhabitants from Carlisle Bridge to Island Bridge decide to repair walls, other one-third must agree; Carlisle Bridge to Customs House, householders pay 1s 6d per foot to repair walls; attempt to control quality of chandlers' goods - entry and fines; Dublin Harbour schedule of charges - duties and pilotage [u]

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