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40 Geo. III, c. 60,
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further Supply out of the Consolidated Fund to be applied to the Purposes therein mentioned and for raising by Loan the several Sums therein mentioned.
Revenue - £1,341,602 14s 8 1/2d previously granted, an additional sum of £762,481 11s 11d now granted, £10,000 RDS, £300 to Society for Discountenancing Vice, £300 to Speaker for his clerks, £230,000 for rebellion compensation, £500,000 for the defence of Ireland, £7,500 to discharge debts of Dublin Watch, £1,000 for Wicklow gold mine, £900 to Henry Ormsby, Marshal of the Four Courts Marshalsea, £11,481 11s 11d for indexes to Journals of the House of Commons (new edition), £5,000 for printing and stationery for both Houses of Parliament, £400 to Edward Fenner, Clerk of the Journals of House of Lords, £500 for the Female Orphanage on the Circular Road, arrangements for the £2,000,000 stg loan from Britain (£2,166,666 13s 4d Ir.), sum raised by loan investors entitled to £110 per £100, total £2,200,000 stg = £2,383,333 6s 8d Ir. in annuities at 3 per cent, with 1799 loan £3,301,666 13s 4d, whole subject to surcharge of 1 per cent to reduce national debt, also to raise £2,500,000 on 5 per cent debentures - part of the £5,366,666 13s 4d Luke White contracted a loan of £1, 500,000 to government. and has paid £75,000 deposit but has failed to pay the £225,000 due on 1 May 1800. Government to use £75,000 immediately and White to be compensated later, depending on circumstances; £700,000 to be raised on Treasury bills at 5 per cent advanced by Bank of Ireland, £38,985 19s 7d may be raised by Commissioners of Wide Streets on 5 per cent debentures and Treasury bills, £1,410,000 for borough and officials' compensation to be raised as most advantageous to public, £5,000 to William Ball for editing five volumes of statutes and making a complete index; an annuity of £50 p.a. for Royal Irish Academy to defray expenses; voluntary contribution of £100 means excused from hearth, male servant and carriage taxes [rv]

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