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40 Geo. III, c. 79,
An Act to oblige Ships more effectually to perform their Quarantine and to prevent the Plague and other infectious Distempers being brought into Ireland and to hinder the spreading of Infection.
Shipping, quarantine - laws inadequate, all vessels from infectious places quarantined by Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, quarantine order proclaimed, no persons/goods to have any connection with ship until after quarantine; principal officer of Customs in port to supervise quarantine; masters of vessels to give account of number of deaths on voyage etc.; masters concealing infection - capital felony; allowing self or sailors to quit vessel - £500 per offence; lazarets can be provided for quarantine and airing goods, escapees are capital felons; persons entering lazaret required to be quarantined; cotton, skins, human hair and certain other goods especially likely to carry infection; ships quarantined to hoist a yellow flag at main topmast on penalty of £200 [t]

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