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40 Geo. III, c. 100,
An Act for the better Regulation of the Butter Trade of the City of Cork and the Liberties thereof and for the better Regulation of the said City in the other Matters therein mentioned and in Respect to Lighters and Vessels plying for Hire and also respecting Sedan Chairs Coaches and Chaises plying for Hire within the City and Liberties of the City of Cork.
Trade, Cork, provisions - butter regulations, 10 Geo. I, c. 9 and various acts of Geo. II and Geo. III (unspecified), details of how butter is to be marketed and sold, those improperly packing butter brought before Mayor, butter bored to be returned to cavity, weighmasters to hold office during good behaviour, no publican or cooper can be a weighmaster; weighmasters cannot buy or sell butter - forfeited; butter for export to be branded - counterfeiting brands, penalty 10s per cask; regulations for hides and skins; Workhouse governors can license hackney coaches/chairs and limit their number; regulations as in 1 Geo. III, c. 18 and 3 Geo. III, c. 17 [t]

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