An Act for the better and more effectual apprehending and transporting Felons and others and for continuing and amending several Laws made in this Kingdom for suppressing Tories Robbers and Rapparees.
An Act for the better Maintenance of Curates within the Church of Ireland.
An Act for amending and enforcing a Clause contained in an Act to enable Restitution of Impropriations and Tithes and other Rights ecclesiastical to the Clergy with a Restraint of aliening the same and Direction for Presentation to the Churches.
An Act for the more effectual Amendment of the Pavements of the several Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns in this Kingdom: And for preventing Mischiefs that may happen by Fire in the City of Dublin; and for augmenting the Number of Hackney-Coaches and Chairs in the said City.
An Act for cleansing and repairing the Water-course leading from the River Doder to the City of Dublin and to prevent the diverting and corrupting the Water therein.
An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors.
An Act for erecting and continuing Lights in the City of Dublin and the several Liberties adjoining; and also in the Cities of Cork and Limerick and Liberties thereof.
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty the Additional Duties on Beer Ale Strong Waters Tobacco and other Goods and Merchandizes: and also upon all Sorts of Wine Strong Waters and Spirits perfectly made and upon all Spirits made and distilled of Wine; and also for granting and continuing the further additional Duties on Beer Ale Aqua Vitae and Strong Waters brewed and made in this Kingdom; and upon Brandy or Spirits above Proof: and on Tea Coffee Chocolate and Cocoa-Nuts; and also a Tax on all Salaries Profits and Employments Fees and Pensions therein mentioned: and for securing the Repayment of Fifty Thousand Pounds sterling formerly advanced to His Majesty for the Use of the Publick together with the Interest thereof.
An Act for amending an Act intituled An Act to explain and amend an Act intituled An Act for the more effectual preventing Frauds committed by Tenants.
An Act to oblige Ships coming from infected Places more effectually to perform their Quarantine: and for the better preventing the Plague being brought from foreign Parts into this Kingdom.
An Act for the more effectual quieting and securing Possessions and preventing vexatious Suits at Law.
An Act to oblige Proprietors and Tenants of Neighbouring Lands to make Fences between their several Lands and Holdings.
An Act for the further Amendment of the Law and for continuing and amending several Acts near expiring.
An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws in relation to Butter and Tallow Casks Hides and other Commodities of this Kingdom and for preventing the Destruction of Salmon.
An Act for repealing part of an Act passed in the Tenth Year of King William the Third intituled An Act for planting and preserving Timber Trees and Woods; and also for giving further Encouragement to Plant and Preserve Timber Trees and Woods.
An Act for amending an Act intituled An Act for the better and more effectual apprehending and transporting Felons and others; and for continuing and amending several Laws made in this Kingdom for suppressing Tories Robbers and Rapparees; and also to prevent the listing of His Majesty's Subjects to serve as soldiers in foreign service without his Majesty's Licence.
An Act for continuing and amending an Act intituled An Act for the better regulating the Parish Watches and amending the High Ways in this Kingdom; and for preventing the Mis-application of Publick Money.
An Act for the supplying a Defect in an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne intituled An Act for the Exchange of Glebes belonging to Churches in this Kingdom [rl]
An Act for the better enabling of the Clergy having Cure of Souls to Reside upon their respective Benefices; and for the Encouragement of Protestant Schools within this Kingdom of Ireland.
An Act for reducing the Interest of Money to seven per Cent.