An Act for the further Amendment of the Acts relating to the Post-Office and for further facilitating Prosecutions under the said Acts.
An Act for preventing the Desertion of Seamen from Ships trading between this Kingdom and His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in the West Indies.
An Act to enable the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church Dublin and other Persons therein named to grant certain Grounds in the City of Dublin to the Society of King's Inns Dublin.
An Act for the better Collection of Sums arising from Forfeited Recognizances and from Fines imposed at Assizes Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery and Sessions of the Peace and for the future Application of the same.
An Act for regulating the Trade of a Distiller and for securing the Duties payable on Home-made Spirits.
An Act to regulate the Trade of Rectifying Spirits and to prevent Frauds on His Majesty's Revenue by Rectifiers of Spirits.
An Act for the more effectually preventing the forging of the Notes and Bills of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland and the Circulation of forged Notes and Bills of the said Governor and Company.
An Act for the better Regulation of the Royal Canal Company.
An Act for the King's Most Gracious General and Free Pardon.
An Act for the better Regulation and Examination of Publick Accounts, Revenue, Public Accounts re-organized.
An Act to amend an Act passed in the Thirty sixth Year of His present Majesty Entitled An Act to make conspiring to Murder Felony without Benefit of Clergy.
An Act to enable the Commissioners of the Treasury in Ireland to receive from the Commissioners of the Treasury in England the Sum therein mentioned as a Loan in Part of the Supply granted to His Majesty and for securing the Interest and Charges thereon and on a Sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds British Currency therein mentioned.
An Act to remove Doubts respecting the Property in the Service of Persons transported from this Kingdom.
An Act for quieting Corporations.
An Act for better enforcing the Execution of the Act made for the Trial of controverted Elections of Members to serve in Parliament by disqualifying certain Persons who have endeavoured to obstruct the due Execution thereof from voting at any Election hereafter.
An Act to further explain and amend the Laws now in Force relating to the Militia of this Kingdom.
An Act to continue an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of His Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for regulating and extending the Tobacco Trade and for securing the Duties payable upon the Import and Manufacture of Tobacco.
An Act to authorize the issuing and Payment of the Sum of Five Thousand Pounds granted as a further Supply to the Foundling Hospital and Work-house in the City of Dublin.
An Act to enable the Chief Governor of this Kingdom to appoint one of His Majesty's Counsel learned in the Law to be Chairman of the Session of the Peace in the County of Dublin during good Behaviour.
An Act to enable His Majesty to grant an Annuity of One Thousand Six Hundred Pounds per Annum to Robert Boyd for his Services as a Judge.