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  • A Past Apart: Studies in the History of Catholic Belfast, 1850-1950
  • Dewey Decimal Number: 941.6705
  • No. of Copies: 2
  • Author: A. C. Hepburn
  • Publisher: Ulster Historical Foundation
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Edition:
  • Publisher City: Belfast
  • No. of Pages: 272
  • ISBN: 901905755
  • Format: Paperback
  • Location (Bay/Shelf):
  • Donor:


Like ethnic minorities in other divided cities, the history of Belfast Catholic community is quite distinct from that of the local majority. A Past Apart is the first book to focus directly on that history. It explains how Belfast Catholics came to feel that they had more in common with their co-religionists in the South than their neighbors in what was, by 1900, the fastest-growing City in the British Isles. On a broader front, the experience of Belfast Catholics is compared with those in Glasgow, and with an intriguing variety of European and American examples. The conflict that arose between nationalists and the Catholic Church, and the political role of the Ancient Order of Hiberians are assessed. And, of course, the almost traditional rioting for which Belfast became notorious, exemplified in the fierce riots of 1935, is described and analyzed.