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  • Familia. Ulster Genealogical Review, No. 28, 2012
  • Dewey Decimal Number: PER 929.1 FAMI
  • No. of Copies: 3
  • Author: Trevor Parkhill
  • Publisher: Ulster Historical Foundation
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Edition:
  • Publisher City: Belfast
  • No. of Pages:
  • ISBN:
  • Format: Periodical
  • Location (Bay/Shelf):


Familia: Ulster Genealogical Review is the journal of Ulster Historical Foundation's membership association (an historical research co-operative, known as the Ulster Genealogical and Historical Guild). Each year, in December, members receive Familia and a directory of their research interests, entitled Directory of Irish Family History Research. Non-members can purchase copies of these books. Since 1985, Familia has set a consistently high standard of balanced articles of wider historical and biographical importance, and providing all-important practical advice on sources for Irish family and local history in the nine-county province of Ulster. This issue of Familia, contains the following articles: '"A big happy family for one and all'? The Duffys and the challenging world of the circus in the nineteenth and twentieth century Britain and Ireland' by Richard McMinn 'Admiral Lord Molyneux Shuldham (C. 1717-1798) Longford's very able seaman who first brought the Declaration of Independence to England' by Rosalind Hadden '"The very life blood of nonconformity is education" - the Killyleagh Philosophy School, County Down' by David Steers 'James Grub Richardson, the Barcrofts and three generations of a scientific Quaker family' by Richard Froggatt 'Tracing Kee and McKee Genealogy - Using pedigrees and DNA' by William E. Howard III, Robert J. Kee and David McFarland "'You're not from here?' An Ulsterman with English roots' by Arthur Bell Reviews
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  • Periodical
  • Familia: Ulster Genealogical Review