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  • Transatlantic Lives: The Irish Experience in Colonial America
  • Dewey Decimal Number: 973.049162
  • No. of Copies: 2
  • Authors: William Roulston / Linde Lunney / James Quinn
  • Publisher: Ulster Historical Foundation
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Edition:
  • Publisher City: Belfast
  • No. of Pages: 184
  • ISBN: 9781909556645
  • Format: Paperback
  • Location (Bay/Shelf):
  • Donor:


Transatlantic Lives: The Irish Experience in Colonial America details the careers of a selection of Irish emigrants to North America in the colonial period. Those chosen are a representative sample of some of the more notable figures. Colonial administrators, soldiers and clergymen predominate. The selection also includes educators, doctors, writers, artists, printers, merchants and even a (female) pirate to give some sense of the diversity of such emigrants, and their varying contributions to the economic and cultural development of the colonies.
  • Transatlantic Lives Cover


  • Migration Studies
  • Biography/Autobiography/Memoir
  • Transatlantic Lives Cover