Location: Family Research Centre (FRC), Level 1, 159 Queens Road, Panmure, Auckland 1072
Host: Irish Interest Group of the New Zealand Genealogical Society
Activity: Day of one-to-one personal research consultations
E-mail: enquiry@uhf.org.uk
To book a consultation
Cost: NZ$65 per consult, individuals must pre-register
Location: Te Tuhi Arts Centre, 13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga, Auckland
Title: Ireland: Unlocking your Irish Ancestry (Day 1)
Host: Irish Interest Group of the New Zealand Genealogical Society
More information
Register online
Enquiries to IrishSIG@genealogy.org.nz
Location: Te Tuhi Arts Centre, 13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga, Auckland
Title: Ireland: Unlocking your Irish Ancestry (Day 2)
Host: Irish Interest Group of the New Zealand Genealogical Society
More information
Register online
Enquiries to IrishSIG@genealogy.org.nz
Location: 12 Massey Avenue, Pukekohe, Auckland 2120
Host: New Zealand Society of Genealogists Franklin Branch, Auckland Council Libraries Pukekohe
Activity: Day of one-to-one personal research consultations
To book a consultation
E-mail: enquiry@uhf.org.uk
Cost: NZ$65 per consult, individuals must pre-register
Location for consultations: Wanaka Library, Dunmore Street, Wanaka
Location for lunchtime lecture: The Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre, 89 Ardmore Street
Host: The Wanaka Genealogy Group
1) Morning of personal research consultations (9am-12 noon)
2) Lunchtime Lecture followed by a Q & A session (12:30pm-1:45pm) - The impact of Plantation in Ireland in theseventeenth century.
To register for a consultation
E-mail: enquiry@uhf.org.uk
Cost: NZ$65 per consult, individuals must pre-register
Registration for lecture: There is a charge of $5 payable in cash at the door.
Or participants can pay by bank transfer before the event.