An Act to amend and continue an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of his Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for regulating and extending the Tobacco Trade and for securing the Duties Payable upon the Import and Manufacture of Tobacco.
An Act for amending an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament Entitled An Act to revive and continue the several Laws relating to the curing of Hides and regulating the Sale of Hides and Calf Skins and preventing Frauds in the selling thereof and for preventing Frauds in the weighing and Delivery of Bark imported into this Kingdom.
An Act to oblige Ships more effectually to perform their Quarantine and to prevent the Plague and other infectious Distempers being brought into Ireland and to hinder the spreading of Infection.
An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the Thirty-fifth Year of his present Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for regulating the Election of Members to serve in Parliament and for repealing the several Acts therein mentioned and to explain and amend an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of said Reign Entitled An Act for the further Regulation of the Election of Members to serve in Parliament.
An Act to enable all Ecclesiastical Persons and Bodies Rectors Vicars and Curates and Impropriators and those deriving by from or under them to recover a just Compensation for the Tithes withheld from them in the Year One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine against such Persons as were liable to the same.
An Act for the further Encouragement of building and improving on Glebe Lands.
An Act to facilitate the building and rebuilding of Churches and Chapels.
An Act for repealing an Act passed in the Twenty-fifth Year of his present Majesty intitled An Act for establishing a complete School of Physic in this Kingdom; and also for repealing an Act passed in the Thirty-first Year of his present Majesty Entitled An Act to explain and amend an Act for establishing a complete School of Physic in this Kingdom and also for extending and enlarging the Powers of the President and Fellows of the King and Queen's College of Physicians and establishing a complete School of Physic in this Kingdom.
An Act for the better Government of the Seminary established at Maynooth for the Education of Persons professing the Roman Catholic Religion and for amending the Laws now in Force respecting the said Seminary.
An Act to continue an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of his Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for regulating the Import Export and Sale of Coffee and securing the Duties payable thereon.
An Act to continue and amend two several Acts passed in the Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth Years of the Reign of his present Majesty to secure the Collection of the Duties on Auctions and on Glass Bottles and on Paper printed painted or stained to serve for Hangings and other Uses.
An Act to amend an Act for Repair of the public Roads and to revive and explain an Act for holding Vestries in the Province of Ulster and for empowering the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor to reduce the Expence of the Police Establishment.
An Act for indemnifying such Persons as have acted since the first Day of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine for the Preservation of the public Peace and Suppression of the Insurrections prevailing in some Parts of this Kingdom and to enable Sheriffs and other Officers to make the Returns therein specified.
An Act for the further Encouragement of the Cotton Manufacture by enabling Tenants for Life to make Leases for Sites of Mills, Cotton Mills, encouraging long-leasing of sites for Mills.
An Act to empower the Colonels or Commanding Officers of the Militia of this Kingdom to continue in the service such Men as shall be entitled to their Discharge before the twenty-fourth Day of June one thousand eight hundred and one and as shall be willing to re-enlist before their Time of Service shall expire.
An Act for amending an Act passed in this Kingdom in the Thirty-third Year of his Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for amending and reducing into one Act of Parliament the Laws relating to the Militia in Ireland.
An Act to amend an Act passed in the Thirty-sixth Year of his Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act for repairing the Road commonly called or known by the Name of the Military Road beginning at the County and City Court-Houses in the City of Waterford and leading from thence to the Town of Tallagh in the County of Waterford through the Towns of Kilmacthomas Cappoquin and Lismore and from Tallagh aforesaid to the Bounds of the County of Cork.
An Act to amend an Act passed in the Thirty-eighth Year of his Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act to explain and reduce into one Act the several Laws for making improving and repairing the Turnpike Road leading from the City of Dublin to Kilcullen-Bridge in the County of Kildare and to the Twenty-one Mile Stone Westward of the said Bridge and for prolonging the Duration of the Act for repairing the Road from Naas to Limerick and for the further Improvement of the Road from Kilworth Mountain to the City of Cork.
An Act to explain and amend an Act Entitled An Act to explain and amend and reduce into one Act the several Laws for making repairing or amending the Turnpike Roads leading from the Town of Naas to the Towns of Maryborough and Ballyroan from the Town of Maryborough to the City of Limerick and from the Town of Nenagh to O'Brien's-Bridge and to enable Grand Juries to present Sums to recompence the Proprietors through whose Lands new Lines of Road have been run.
An Act to revive amend continue or make perpetual certain Temporary statutes.