The dangers facing the working man were not confined to the mill or factory. Even the recreational environment offered pitfalls to trap the unwary. In Trory Cemetery, Co Fermanagh, an inscription can be found relating to a young man who died aged 17 while playing football:
Erected by W C Davies of Enniskillen, In Loving Memory of His Sons William Charles Died 25th Feb 1908 Aged 4 years Albert Elliott Died 14th Jan 1911 Aged 1 year Geoffrey Austin, Killed at football l9th July 1929 Aged 17 years "Of Such is the Kingdom of God" MARK X 14.
The story of his death is told in The Belfast Telegraph of Saturday July 20 1929:
A very regrettable football fatality occurred in Enniskillen, on Friday evening, about 9.45, the victim being Geoffrey Davies, aged 17, of Gaol Square, Enniskillen, death occurring in a few minutes of his having collided with an opposing player.
Deceased was playing for the Caxtonians against the Builders in the local Trades Football Competition, when he, a goalkeeper, in trying to save the imposition of a corner kick, ran from the posts and came violently into contact with Jack Armstrong, one of the Builders’ forwards.
It was at once seen his injuries were of a serious nature and medical aid was summoned, three doctors responding within a short space of time. The youth, however, was beyond all human aid, death occurring within ten or fifteen minutes of the accident.
When the collision occurred there was only a few minutes play to go, and the score was then one goal each.
Deceased, who was an apprentice in the office of the “Fermanagh Times”, was a youth of outstanding ability, of fine athletic build, and was exceedingly popular with all who knew him.
However, all classes were susceptible to the fickle finger of fate, as the demise of a scion of one of Ulster’s most noteworthy families demonstrates. The vault of the noted Huguenot family, the Delacherois, commemorates lives of service and achievement:
This vault was enlarged by Daniel Delacherois, Esqr JP, of the Manor House, Donaghadee, AD 1868 Within rest the remains of Mary CROMMELIN, born -------died ----- unm aged 80 Daniel Delacherois Esq, JP, born 23 June 1735, died 15March 1790 Marcy Delacherois, his wife, born ------- 17--, born -------, died 9 Nov 1844 aged --- Daniel Delacherois, MA TCD, DL, JP, born 10th July 1825, died 8th April 1905 Daniel Delacherois, Esq, JP, DL, born 1 Dec 1783, died 1 Oct 1850, unmd Mary Delacherois, his sister, born 11 April 1790, died 10 March 1854, unmd Ellen, daughter of Geo LESLIE, Esq & wife of Daniel Delacherois, Esq, AM, DL, JP, born 7th Oct 1827, she died 4th Dec 1891 Edmund Bourjonval Delacherois, Esq MD, TCD, of Brighton, second son of Daniel Delacherois, Esq, MA, TCD, DL, JP, born 20th January 1861, married 7th January 1893 and died sp 1st June 1901 at Sandford near Bristol, from a carriage accident, aged 40 [The blank spaces were never filled in] In memory of the members of the family of Daniel Delacherois, Esq, DL, JP, who lie buried in the Manor House Vault under the west aisle of this church Daniel Louis De La Cherois, Col 3 Bat RI Rifles, formerly Lieut 4 Q0 Hussars, eldest son of D De La Cherois DL, born 7 June 1855, died 26 Nov 1909 Elizabeth Mary Angelica De La Cherois, eldest daughter of D De La Cherois, DL, born 3 Feb 1857, died 29 March 1910 Helen Vaughan HAMILTON, wife of Edwin, MA, daughter of Daniel De La Cherois, DL, born 2 Dec 1859, died Nov 6 1911 Catherine Charlotte De Lacherois, daughter of J McCance BLIZARD and dearly loved wife of Geo L De Lacherois, born 4 Aug 1888, died 17 May 1922 Charles Hutcheson De Lacherois, 4th son of Daniel De Lacherois DL, born 18th Dec 1867, died 28th Sept 1933, George Leslie De Lacherois, DL, JP, 3rd son of Daniel De Lacherois, DL, born 31st Oct 1865, died 12th May 1948 In memory of the members of the family of Daniel Delacherois, Esq, DL, JP, who lie buried in the Manor House vault under the west aisle of this church Edmund Normal LESLIE dearly loved husband of Mary De Lacherois, born 7th August 1859, died 16th July 1930 Mary Louise, third daughter of Daniel De Lacherois born 13th Feb 1863, devoted wife of E N Leslie, died 16th June 1949.
Edmund Bourjanval Delacherois’ death is reported as follows in the Belfast News Letter of Monday, June 3, 1901:
Much regret is felt in Donaghadee and neighbourhood at the sad intelligence of the lamented death of young Dr Delacherois, second son of Mr Daniel Delacherois, D.L., County Down, who died on the 1st
inst., from injuries received from being thrown from a trap while driving with his brother, whom he was visiting, at Sandford, Somerset, England. He had a promising career ahead of him in the medical profession, into which he carried all the gentleness and sympathy that distinguished him in private life.