During the 1990s the most influential member of the Trustees was Dr George Chambers who was invited to become a Trustee by Sir Robert Kidd in 1992 and was elected Chairman in the following year. George Chambers stressed the need to reduce staffing and overhead costs, increase output, and generate additional income from other sources. At one stage he took over the post of Administrator for a year to reorganise the finances of the Foundation and streamline its staff. He trained Shane McAteer, who served as Executive Director from 1994 to 2001. His experience taught him that while ‘pump-prime’ sponsorship or capital grants were obtainable, ongoing revenue support was very difficult to acquire.
In 1996 the Foundation was required to undergo a review of its grant-in-aid for which Dr Chambers submitted a detailed submission. Soon afterwards re-organisation within the Northern Ireland Office saw responsibility for the Foundation transferred from the Department of Environment to the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure. Dr Chambers served again as Chairman from 1997 to 2000, making way for David Clement, whom he had introduced to the Foundation. Fintan Mullan replaced Shane McAteer as Executive Director in 2001 and he continues to serve in that role.
Our plans to place the Foundation on a proper financial footing with a headquarters to match, were dashed, however, when we were informed in 2003 that the Foundation’s grant-in-aid was to be withdrawn. We found it even more galling when the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure dropped the Foundation from its structure without any reason or explanation.