This Friday I wanted to focus on our library resources. As part of the new website we have been digitising many of our publications. While the majority of these (174) are available for our Guild members, there are 37 FREE publications which anyone can read online here

Merchants reduced
In search of sperrins
My Roots Cover

Merchants in Plenty: Joseph Smyth’s Belfast Directories of 1807 and 1808

The wonderful publication Merchants in Plenty: Joseph Smyth’s Belfast Directories of 1807 and 1808 is now available to read online and vividly brings to life the Belfast of the early nineteenth century. As an example here are the trades and businesses in Belfast in 1808 in the W section:

  • William Walker, grocer, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 12 Corn-market
  • Wallace, Lyle & Whittle, flour and grain merchants, 4 Chichester Quay
  • Thomas Wallace, woollendraper, 116 High Street
  • Hugh Wason & Co., merchants, Byrt’s-entry, High Street
  • Thomas Ward & Co., booksellers and stationers, 19 High Street
  • James Ward, bookbinder, 2 Wilson’s Court
  • Jeremiah Ward, grocer and spirit dealer, 79 Mill street
  • Michael Ward, tavern-keeper, 4 Corn-market
  • Susanna Ware, boarding-school for young ladies, 49 Bank Lane
  • Martha Warnick, haberdasher, 9 Castle Street
  • William Watt, cotton manufacturer, 71 Waring Street
  • James Wharton, grocer, 14 Church Street
  • John Wharton, grocer and cooper, 91 Hercules Street
  • Thomas Whinnery, post-master and agent for London newspapers, 23 Church Street
  • John White, muslin manufacturer, 24 Mill-field
  • James & John Whittle, wholesale woollen drapers, 66 ware-house-lane, Waring Street
  • Mary Wilson, haberdasher and milliner, 105 High Street
  • Hugh Wilson & Son, merchants, 163 North Street
  • Thomas Wilson, inn-keeper, Donegall Arms, 5 Castle Street
  • John Wilson, junior, grocer, 36 North Street
  • Hugh Wilson, cooper, 48 Waring Street
  • William Wilson, white-smith, Long-lane
  • William Wilson, umbrella and parasol manufacturer, 35 North Street
  • Elizabeth Wills, milliner, 31 High Street
  • James Williamson, land surveyor and draughtsman, Lilliput-hill, near Belfast
  • Thomas Williamson, grocer, 66 Ann Street
  • James Winnington, book-binder, 12 Chapel Lane
  • Mary Woods, hardware and toy-warehouse, 2 Skipper’s Lane
  • Rose Workman, mantua-maker, Hill Street, off Waring Street
  • John Wright, coach-maker, 23 Prince’s Street
  • Ludford Wright, copper-smith, 42 Ann Street

From even this short extract, we can see that the commercial centre of Belfast at that time was around High Street and Ann Street.

Genealogical Guides

Also included in this section of our new website are genealogical guides we have produced such as:

Coalisland Cover

Family Histories

Finally this sections also includes a number of family histories whose authors have kindly allowed us to reproduce them here for family historians and researchers to freely access. These include:

As well as nine publications by our former trustee Sir George Bain histories of his Irish and Scottish ancestors – Bain, Bamford, Boal, Bowie, Sayers, Smart, Stalker, Wallace and Wilkie.

Happy Reading and Happy Easter!

Bain family histories LR