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30 Years of the Ulster Scot Historical Society and Ulster Historical Foundation

by Familia: Ulster Genealogical Review, No. 2, 1986


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By Dr. Brian Trainor

"The Ulster Historical Foundation is a non-profit making organisation which provides a genealogical searching service on a fee-paying basis. It is managed by a Board of Trustees and is successor to the Ulster-Scot Historical Society which was established by the then Prime Minster of Northern Ireland, Lord Brookeborough, on 14 December 1956.

It thus celebrates its 30th birthday this year and a review of its achievements and history seems appropriate. The Ulster Scot Historical Society was modelled to some extent on the Scots Ancestry Research Society which had been established by the Secretary of State for Scotland, Tom Johnston, in 1945.

However from the outset there was a difference in emphasis and in funding. In Scotland the S.A.R.S. had to establish itself without any direct support from public funds and it has thus confined itself narrowly to genealogical searching until recently.

By contrast in Northern Ireland the Ulster Scot Historical Society was provided with a base, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, and encouraged to range beyond genealogy."

This article commemorates 30 years of the Ulster Scot Historical Society and the Ulster Historical Foundation.

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