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Ulster and the Bay of Plenty: The Katikati Special Settlement in North Island

by Familia Ulster Genealogical Review: No. 05, 1989


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by N. C. Mitchel

"The late 1860s were years of economic depression in many parts of New Zealand as wool prices fell and gold production declined. Public works expenditure had virtually ceased. In the North Island there was the added disruption of the Maori wars.

The year 1870 saw a reassessment of the needs of the young nation with the advent of Julius Vogel as Colonial Treasurer. Vogel's aim was to speed up the settlement and development of the colony by means of large-scale immigration and extensive public works. This involved the borrowing of considerable sums of money overseas and reviving the idea of special settlements.

During the 1850s and 1860s a number of these special settlements had been established in the North Island; .the Nova Scotians at Waipu is the earliest example. They were now to be followed by the Scandinavians at Dannevirke and Norsewood and Ulster settlements at Katikati and Te Puke on the shores of the Bay of Plenty, an area aptly named by Captain Cook a century before."

This article looks at the history of the Katikati special settlement in North Island, New Zealand.