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Notable works by Denis Biggart

Dr Denis Biggart was born in 1936 in Edinburgh. In 1937 he moved to Belfast when his father became professor of Pathology at Queen’s University. He received a broad education in science and classics at the Royal Belfast Academical Institution where he also played Rugby for the 1st XV.

In 1961 he qualified in medicine at Queen’s and opted to follow a postgraduate career in pathology gaining an M.D. (Hons.) in 1965. He won a Fulbright Scholarship to John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 1967-8, gaining further valuable experience in diagnostic pathology and research. On return to Belfast he became Lecturer in the Institute of Pathology and was promoted to Senior Lecturer/Consultant in 1970.

He moved to the Belfast City Hospital Laboratory in 1973, acting as Consultant Pathologist to the City Hospital, whilst continuing to lecture to undergraduates at the Royal Victoria Hospital. He became Head of the City Hospital Histopathology Department in 1992 and continued in this role until his retirement in 1997. Throughout his career he was a keen undergraduate and postgraduate teacher and involved in numerous Health Service, University and Postgraduate Educational committees.