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Dublin City Genealogical Sources

by Familia Ulster Genealogical Review: No. 02, 1986


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By Sean Murphy

And Dr. D. A. Chart's List Of Heads Of Families From The 1851 Census

"As would be anticipated in the case of a capital, Dublin city is perhaps better provided with genealogical source material than any other part of Ireland north or south.

Of 22 Church of Ireland city parishes the registers of only 5 perished in the Public Record Office of Ireland in 1922, and the loss was mitigated by the fact that the destroyed registers had been printed or transcribed in part.

These Church of Ireland registers of baptisms, marriages and burials date from the early to late seventeenth century, and the burial registers of course also contain entries for Catholics, Presbyterians and other dissenters.

While few Presbyterian registers have survived, the baptism and marriage registers of the Catholic parishes of Dublin city have survived intact, and date from the middle of the eighteenth century."

This article looks at Dublin city genealogical sources, such as registers of births, marriages and burials.