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Valuing the Past: PRONI’s Online Valuation Records

by Familia Ulster Genealogical Review: No. 29, 2013


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by Steven Scarth

"In March 2013, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland launched its latest and arguably most significant online resource – the Valuation Revision Books. These are a hugely important set of digitised records which in conjunction with other online records provides researchers with the tools to chart land ownership from 1864 through to the 1930s.

The resource was formally launched by the Deputy Permanent Secretary for the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Cynthia Smith, at a packed event at PRONI on 27 March, 2013. Since the launch, internet traffic statistics have clearly demonstrated that the appetite for such resources has continued to grow unabated.

It reflects the transformed landscape that archival organisations have operated in since the ‘Berlin Wall’ moment when the 1901 census went live and the televised series ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ propelled genealogy to a mainstream audience."

This article examines PRONI's online valuation records, which comprise over 3,900 volumes covering all six counties and comprising nearly 450,000 images taken from more than 810,000 pages.

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