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‘The Very Life-Blood of Nonconformity is Education’ – The Killyleagh Philosophy School, County Down

by Familia Ulster Genealogical Review: No. 28, 2012


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by David Steers

"My interest in the Killyleagh philosophy school comes through my involvement with the Dissenting Academies Project established by Dr Williams’s Library and Queen Mary College, University of London in 2006. It aims to produce a printed history of the dissenting academies in the British Isles from 1660 to 1860 as well as a vast online database containing the histories of every academy and details on every tutor in that period.

The professed purpose is ‘to provide a comprehensive, archive-based history that will transform scholarly understanding of the importance of the Protestant dissenting academies to higher education and intellectual life.’"

This article examines the Killyleagh Philosophy School in County Down.