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by David S. Cook
The Loughbrickland Historical Group, of which I have the honour to be a member, meets in the Sir Henry Wilson
Orange Memorial Hall. In the context of the centenary year that unfolded in 2016, I undertook to carry out
further research on the said Sir Henry. To this end I was enormously grateful to have the benefit of the published
research of one of Ireland’s finest scholars, Keith Jeffery. In particular The Military Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, edited by Jeffery and published by the Army Records Society in 1985 and Field Marshal Sir Henry
Wilson: a political soldier, published by Oxford University Press in 2006, proved to be invaluable and much of this
article is based on the research therein. I am also indebted to Professor Jeffery’s entry in the Dictionary of Irish
Biography (2009). I had been on friendly terms with Keith for some years and so I had hoped he might be prepared to look over this article and make some suggestions. To my great regret I was informed that he was then already too ill and I am very sorry to have to say he died on 12 February 2016. I hesitate to dedicate this strictly amateur work to
such an esteemed scholar.