Showing 1 - 20 of 233
Plantation Churches: Places of Worship in Early Seventeenth-century Ulster
The Belfast Blitz: The City in the War Years
The Town Book of Coleraine
The Townland Atlas of Ulster - PRE ORDER
Ulster 1912-22: Change, controversy and conflict
The Londonderry Plantation, 1609-41: The City of London and the Plantation of Ulster
Abercorn: The Hamiltons of Barons Court
The Irish Church, its Reform and the English Invasion
The Irish Revenue Police: A short history and genealogical guide to the 'Poteen Hussars'
St Malachy's College and the Great War
The Irish in Australia and New Zealand: A Resource for Family Historians
Directory of Irish Family History Research, No. 46, 2023
Familia: Ulster Genealogical Review, No. 39, 2023
Years of Trial and Terror: The Irish State and Northern Ireland, 1969–75
Sources for Irish Family History
Irish Church Records (Hardcover)
Irish Church Records (Paperback)
Finding Your Ancestors in Kerry
Tracing Your Kildare Ancestors
Tracing Your Dublin Ancestors (4th Edition)